Sunday, June 28, 2009
UP, UP and Awayyyyyy

Friday, June 26, 2009
More FUZE Excitement!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sad Day In History

This afternoon, Michael Jackson passed away at the age of 50 from cardiac arrest. I was 7 years old when "Thriller" hit the charts in 1982 and I remember dancing and singing along with his songs.
Such a sad day!
May the both finally REST IN PEACE! (Something they didn't get while they were living.)
Basal Changes & Emotions
Talked to Kayleigh today! Yesterday she went to the Dole Pineapple Plantation and to North Shore. She was so excited because those were 2 things that she hadn't marked in her book and she got to do them. Today she has gone snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. It must have been an amazing adrenalin rush for her because she called me and her mouth was going a mile a minute! This whole process of her being gone was definately something she needed. It's been hard on me but I know it's something she needed to do and it's been such a positive experience for her.
Being 14 years old, she should feel safe to leave home for longer than a night. But in Kayleigh's case, she's not been able to do that. When she was only a year old, I split from her bio-dad. He got her every other weekend and then eventually he got 2 full weeks in the summer. Kayleigh was way too young to understand what was happening and when she'd cry to come home to me, she couldn't. This took a terrible toll on her and she's always had this fear to leave for more than overnight. She will always ask me before she goes overnight with anyone, "Mommy will you come get me if I want to come home early?" As a parent, this throws daggers in my heart because at 14 years old, she STILL has to have that reassurance that I'm going to come and get her. When she'd cry to come home when she was little, she was made to stay (not by my choice). I can still hear her crying on the phone asking to come home and me having to say "I can't come and get you." Of course she understands now, that it wasn't because I didn't want to...it was because by court order I couldn't! So we had some serious talks before she left because this was going to be the longest she'd ever been away and it was going to be another time when she couldn't call home and ask me to come pick her up (not to say I wouldn't hop a plane to go get her if something was wrong) but she had to understand that if she went then she was going for 7 weeks. She was too excited to realize how long 7 weeks was really going to be but I knew in my heart this was the right thing for her to overcome that anxiety she'd harbored for the last 10+ years. I knew she was going to be safe with my brother and that's what has helped me get through this easier. You see, I had the same anxiety. Those same feelings I felt over 10 years ago...my baby going away and I couldn't just drive to get her if she wanted me! That rush of emotions came over me and this has also forced me to push past them. So it's good for both of us. I also got some very exciting news yesterday. My brother was apporved for military leave until July 6th! This means, even though Kayleigh is there to be a nanny to his kids, he is off work until then and when my Mom leaves to fly back here tomorrow, then Kayleigh will be able to continue the "tourist" kinds of things with my brother until the 6th!! I'm so excited for her :) I'm thankful to my brother for giving her this opportunity to grow as a person and thank you God for giving me the power to be able to overcome those terrible feelings I've held inside for so long. I've had lots of tears and prayers this last week!
Only 6 more weeks to go :)
New Drink!
While Kacey and I were out shopping yesterday, we ran across it in the store and Kacey started jumping up and down when she saw the whole bottle only had 4 CARBS!! It had the "juicy" taste but didn't make her "sugar sick" like real juice does. Two thumbs up for a low carb drink!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
SOL Scores
This year, SOL testing was different for Kacey. She got her test on paper and circled the answer. Her answers were then transferred to a scantron sheet by her teacher for the computer and then they were submitted after another teacher checked over it to make sure there were no mistakes in the transfer. Because of her diabetes and the swings she was having in blood sugar, they didn't want her to have to try and take it on the computer and then not do well because she had "cloudy brain" or "the shakies".
I'm pleased to announce we got the results back! Her results took longer since they were taken on paper. The other kids in her class got their results with their report cards.
The results....... PASS ADVANCED in EVERY area!!!! So not only did she pass them all....she passed them on the advanced level!!
Scores: A 600 is a perfect score...she wasn't off by too much!
Reading- 540
Math- 594
Science- 503
History- 530
All that stressing for nothing :) I knew she could do it! (And....thank you to the D-Monster for laying low on test days and cooperating so she could show her TRUE skills! You rock!)
First Week In Hawaii
God's Work
The ORANGE cast

The new orange cast :) It's really brighter than the picture shows. It's the blaze hunting orange!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Moretic Mommy Moment
Yesterday I went to have coffee with a friend of mine and while we were there Kacey's pump started to alarm after she bolused for the mac & cheese she was having for lunch. I immediately jumped up and went over to her. It said she didn't get the bolus because the tubing or cannula was blocked. Oh great! This meant we had to do an emergency site change. Thankfully I carry 2 extra sets and she still had a cartridge full of insulin. I didn't bother taking her other site out. I told her we could do that later. I hooked up the new tubing....put another site in on the opposite side of her tummy...and then restarted Herbie. Ahhhhh now that was easy enough :) We left my friends house and went to get her new cast on. She got the pink one cut off and xrays done to check to see how her arm was healing. Everything looks great! She ended up getting a blaze orange one put on. After we left there we went grocery shopping. She drug herself all over the store and was acting like she needed a nap. I bribed her and told her if she helped me with groceries then we'd stop at Starbuck's and get her hot chocolate. Yep....90F outside and she was all over the hot chocolate. She perked up and was a big help. We were pulling through Starbuck's and Herbie started to alarm again....SAME alarm! How can this be? Then I had what I'd call an "OH SHIT!" moment. I'm sitting in the parking lot with coffee and hot chocolate...a child that can't bolus because her pump is stopped....and it dawned on me what was wrong. The first time it alarmed, she had an air bubble. This time....I never filled the tubing or cannula when I put the new set on!!!
"My name is Jill, and I'm a Mommy Moron!"
Ugh! Kacey....test your blood sugar please! The look on her face said it all! She was a 435. Great! She starts to cry and says "Do you want me to save my hot chocolate?" My brain says YES because it's just gonna make things worse...but the Mommy heart of mine tells her "Nope, drink it and we're 10min from home and we'll deal with it!" She slowly sips her hot chocolate with tears running down her face. Damn Diabetes! Now I know why she was sluggish in the grocery store :( We got home and I immediate took care of the whole pump issue and we got things going again. A few corrections and she was a 123 before bed...perfect! Thankfully we didn't have the ketones pop up. I felt terrible because I was the one that caused this mess. I told Kacey how sorry I was and she says to me... "Mom it's ok, you do a good job taking care of my diabetes all the time." ***cry*** I try! I really do! But we're human and we DO make mistakes!
Lesson learned....ALWAYS make sure you fill your tubing before reconnecting!!
On another note, Kayleigh is doing well! She's been so busy that she hasn't even been able to upload pics to her MySpace or Facebook. I get pic texts to my phone and I'll share those soon. Saturday she went to the Swap Meet and bought most of her souveniers. Then they went to the Polynesian Cultural Center and had a wonderful time at a luau after that. Sunday she spent time in the pool and relaxed for a bit. Yesterday she went to the aquarium. Then today she hiked Diamond Head! So she's been very busy and I'm so excited to see some pics! Tomorrow she is going to North Shore and then on Thursday she is going snorkeling. My mom leaves on Friday to come back home and then Kayleigh will stay there with my brother. He's got other things planned to do with her by herself.
Had some excitement here at home. We made the decision to plant our field (about 4 acres) with pumpkins. Frankie and our neighbor planted 7,000 pumpkin seeds! Within 4-5 days we should start seeing some sign of growth. I'm VERY excited! Now we have to come up with a name for the pumpkin farm. My suggestion was "Sleepy Hollow" so we'll see if I win :) One more thing to keep us busy!
Thats all for now :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Mommy Tears & Mommy Ears
We were nearly to Kings Dominion when we got the call... "Hi Mom! I'm in Atlanta!" **breathe a sigh of relief** She sounded tired though. "Thats great! You feel ok?" and then I heard a cracking in her voice as she told me they were going to find her some meds in the airport for motion sickness. Poor kid got sick at her stomach during the 2 hour ride and now she was going to have to suffer through a longer plane ride from Atlanta to Hawaii. Mom got her some meds, she settled down and she was ready for the long ride. She texted me as they were boarding. We were already in the gate at Kings Dominion and I was feeling so lost. I'm so used to making sure I have both girls at my side when we're in a theme park and I found myself looking around for her and realizing she wasn't going to be there. There were several times through the morning that Kacey came off the ride, hugged me and teared up as she told me, "I wish Sissy was here to ride it with me."

I didn't sleep well last night. I'm coming down with a head cold and I'm not feeling well. We woke up about 8am when Kacey came rushing in crying because her site had pulled out during the night. I knew it wasn't out at her 2am check so it hadn't been out long. Check her sugar... 226. So we did a site change this morning. After the change, Kacey went into the kitchen (so I thought) and she came back around the corner crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said "Mommy, I forgot Sissy wasn't here and I was going to wake her up and her bed was made and she wasn't there."Oh geesh....here come more Mommy tears! So I helped her take care of Nemo (Kay's dog) since it's something Kayleigh always does. He was so lost because we don't usually care for him!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Field Day, Awards, Vacation & Other Mumbo Jumbo
Today was Kacey's 3rd grade awards ceremony. The Y3W presentation was done on a power point and it was AMAZING! Yep, I cried! Kacey also received several awards. The award that meant the most....A/B Honor Roll! She did it! She brought those grades back up to A's & B's. It's amazing what happens when diabetes actually bows down and takes the backseat! Her blood sugars have been absolutely amazing and she's felt so good! (Please don't let this jinx her) I really had no clue she'd made Honor Roll until her teacher called her name. I was just as shocked as Kacey was and immediately welled up with tears. For some, that doesn't mean anything....but for the parents of Type 1 kids...it means EVERYTHING! It means Kacey can manage her diabetes AND be an Honor Roll student but this also means we have some control over what her body is doing! (Thanks Herbie!)
We're down to the final countdown with Kayleigh. She's shed lots of tears in the last few days. Exams are kicking her butt this year and then she leaves on Friday. I can't believe the time is here! We're packing her suitcase tomorrow. The last day of school is Thursday and then she leaves for Hawaii on Friday morning. I've got all the legal paperwork done and notarized so she's all set to go! I'll be sharing pics as she emails them to me.
We're still really busy this week but next week we should have some time to relax. I'll be back to my normal posting routine. I'll catch up sooner or later ;)
More soon!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
MIA- Missing In Action/Advance
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Cast Day
Let me start by saying, I absolutely LOVE the Orthopedic doctor's office we went to. They are the ones that I saw for my foot. It's really nice when you find a doctor's office with such a kind and compassionate staff as well as some great doctors! The doctor that we saw today was a young one and he took the time to print out Kacey's xray and explain how her arm was broken in terms she could understand. He explained to her that she'd be in her cast for 6 weeks but in 2 weeks he wants to make sure it's healing the way it is supposed to so we go back for more xrays and then 4 weeks after xrays she will get the cast off. She broke it in a perfect healing place. He said 5 years from now you won't even be able to tell it was ever broke. YAY!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Rough 48 Hours
Monday, June 1, 2009
Emergency Room Trip
Long Weekend!

I'll have pics of the girls at putt-putt when my Mom gets them to me. So I'll share those soon :)