Monday, October 8, 2012

Alone In A Thousand

It wasn't until last week that I realized something. Kacey is in a middle school of over 1000 kids and she is the ONLY Type 1 diabetic in the school. What are the chances? ONE in ONE THOUSAND! She was a bit disappointed that she didn't have anyone that shared T1D with her this year. Last year there were two boys and although she wasn't close with them, they would run into one another in the clinic and give a little wave and compare numbers. This year there is no one. She's all alone. ALONE. Yeah, she's feeling that lately! As she gets older, she knows that she is different yet there is no one to turn to that really understands what she is going through. I try, I really do try to understand but I really don't know what a nasty high or dreaded low feels like. Her sister tries, and she does know what a low feels like but it's not the same. There are days I feel completely helpless because T1D just isn't common around here. I can count on one hand how many we know. Out of those 5, 2 of them are older boys, one is a little girl, one is a grown woman and the other is young lady. No one Kacey's age near where we live. Our hospital for our Endo is an hour and a half away and we can't participate in those events we'd like to. Helpless. Alone. Heartwrenching! I wouldn't wish T1D on anyone but I find it shocking that out of our entire county....all 6th & 7th grade in our entire county goes to the same middle school....and Kacey is the ONLY ONE! She did make one friend this year that has a sister who is T1D and she knows a little about diabetes but she's been very interested in Kacey's pump and Dexcom. Her sister is on a pod so she had not seen a Ping before. But it's still not the same. I feel bad for her some days because I know that she just wants to have a friends that KNOWS what it's like. Kinda like the whole reason I started find other Moms that KNOWS what it's like! Do your kids have other T1D's in their school? Do they spend time together? If they don't how do you help them find others?


Lora said...

That sucks!! I wish there was another boy Justin's age for him to hang with. He is not the only one at school, but I think it would be nice for him to "hang" with someone, ya know.

Scott K. Johnson said...

Wow. Hard to think about when put in that perspective.

Jill said...

Yeah Lora! I wish there was someone Kacey could hang out with, compare D stories, compare technology...those things! I'm over the fact that I don't have any Moms locally...even though I secretly wish I had someone to vent to....thats why I have a blog. Kacey doesn't have the peers to use as a sound board.

Scott...I just find it shocking that she is the only one in her school. It's very hard to think about because these are the kids she will be moving to the next school for 8th grade with and there is NO ONE! Then it's onto high school :(

Amanda said...

Kortnie is the only one in her school of 520 K-3 kids. In our district of 2500+ kids there are 3 that we know of (1 being Kortnie), and we have not met the other 2. We used to have a family we were friends with who had a T1 daughter and dad, the little girl is 4 and Kortnie is 8, but they moved. Everyone else we know lives in Phoenix and that is 180 miles away :( The secratary at Kortnie's school, her husband is T1, but he's like old enough to be my dad, so I guess that's encouraging to know some "old" guy with T1 so we know that she can live a good long life and all that, but she is constantly telling me that she wishes for a T1 friend.

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