I spoke with the NP from her Endo's office yesterday evening. She got my email with the pictures and the drama that had unfolded the last 2 days at Urgent Care. She couldn't believe the diahrrea of the mouth that the doctor had. She said sometimes it's ok to think out loud but then there are times when you can scare a mother to death when you tell her "Well, I don't know what this rash is now." and "Do you think she could be allergic to her insulin?" (yes he asked me that!) She looked over the pictures and she said it was kind of hard to tell without being about to feel her skin but if she had to make a best guess then she would say that it was a bad case of Fifth's Disease or some other virus. To make sure she was making the right call, she was going to consult with our Endo this morning and show him the pics. She said she would call me back today and let me know what he says but she thinks he is going to agree that it is either a virus, Fifth's Disease or Strep. In the meantime, she told me to take her off that Prednisone immediately because that will continue to wreak havoc on her blood sugars and as long as her sugars stayed up then she couldn't get well. She wanted me to keep her on the Amoxicillan because if it is Strep then at least she's getting it in her system. She went on to explain that you CAN have Strep and not have a sore throat. You CAN also have a negative rapid strep test and then after it grows a few days then it turns up positive. Sadly, with it being Urgent Care, most of them don't grow things. They do the rapid stuff and send you on your way. (Yeah....so thats how those kids at school are walking around sick and the strep is negative...blech!) She also went on to explain that the Hydroxyzine is a great antihistimine. She said they use it for their patients with severe exema and it was safe for Kacey to use. I was scared to give it to her after the drama we had with that doc yesterday. I had to make sure she was able to take it and once the NP validated that then I gave her a dose.
Once I was finally able to relax, the headache kicked in. STRESS! I closed my eyes and felt a million things swirling around in my head. I was just worn right out! I got out of bed around 12am to check and see how Kacey was doing. She was sleeping so sound. So angelic. So peaceful. The check of her blood sugar revealed a 467...thats better than the last 2 tests that read "over 500". I knew she was coming down. I corrected her...AGAIN. It seems like all we've been doing is correcting! I layed back down...2am...stumbled out of the bed and tested her...354...ok we're coming down! I stumbled back to my bed and got back up at 6am...she was still resting so sound...test...307. She woke up and said she felt a little itchy but now she's got a stuffy nose and head congestion. She's still covered from neck to ankles in this hive-like rash. I gave her the meds and she crashed back on the couch with the TV remote.
The NP called me back just a little bit ago. She sat down with Kacey's Endo and they reviewed the pics together. He said it looked like it was just a virus and it had to run it's course. Sometimes viruses affect people different ways and since she's diabetic, those symptoms are not going to be "classic" or "normal"...haha...yeah we know that NOTHING with diabetes is ever NORMAL! So he said to continue on the antibiotic in case it's something else going on and keep on the antihistimine until the itching is gone. The rash could last from a few days to a week or more. She also said that from now on, since we're having a problem getting in with our family doctor and we're not comfortable with the urgent care doctor, we can just bring her right down to CHKD ER and since they're right in the hospital then we can request they be called in to help with diagnosis and treatment. She said they don't like to encourage people going to the ER with simple things but since this was something that we'd seen Urgent Care for and it was worse but then you throw diabetes in the mix...it's just safer for Kacey down there. I agree! :)
So I feel a little better knowing this is NOT a food allergy! This is one time when I can be happy about a misdiagnosis! Kacey is relieved to know it's just a virus and not anything more serious. And so we're going to take advantage of that doctor's note and she's going to relax the rest of the week! I think she's been through enough this week and school is the furthest thing from my mind. I have kept her teacher in the loop and I'm going to pick up her work this afternoon. Thankfully they are off on Friday and next Monday so we've got a nice long weekend for her to get better.

I am SO glad she is finally starting to get some relief! And especially glad she is not allergic to insulin!!! (I CAN NOT believe he said that to you!!)
YES Meri....he said that! Idiot! He was asking me what medications I had given her over the last few days. I explained that all she had been given was Motrin and Triaminic for her congestion. He then said what about her insulin? I explained that was given via her insulin pump. And he goes into a spill about how we can develop allergies to medications that we take regularly and thats when he asked, Do you think she could be allergic to her insulin? I just stood there dumbfounded! Our Endo said he was just grabbing at straws by that point trying to find a "diagnosis" for this.
LOL Just reread that...I was calling HIM and idiot...not you...HAHAHA! Sorry! :)
So glad things are settling down and an answer was given!! Heres to a speedy recovery! Xoxo
Well, unfortunately, you can be allergic to insulin in which case they would switch you over to another insulin so at least the doctor was thorough. Ours broke out in a severe rash one day after starting Lantus, which did subside, but very worrisome. Sorry he scared you, though; it is a rare occurrence. I hope she gets relief from the rash and she starts feeling comfortable soon. Sounds like a rough couple of days for both of you. Better days to come....
I'm glad you are closer to figuring it out - for everyone's sake! Poor gal, so itchy. It's no fun.
Has anyone mentioned or looked for the characteristic signs of scabies. Scabies is one of a few things that classically spares only the head and face, and causes the kind of intense itching you describe. Just a thought.
Amoxicillin is notorious for allergic reactions--was she taking this when the rash started? My type 1 son is allergic to Amoxicillin (BIG HIVES). He had taken it several times before his reaction (before his T1D diagnosis). I took it myself just before Christmas and also developed hives --it was MISERABLE, so I can definitely sympathize. I don't have T1D, but my immune system is wonky. I don't know if there is any known correlation between immune system issues and Amoxicillin, but we definitely have problems at our house. I hope she is feeling better soon.
Just wanted to say Im glad that things have become less emergant. I am so sorry you are suffering with this.. Im here 15 min from KD if you need me!! Hugs!!
I just want to echo the commenter who asked about the amoxicillin - I too had major hives as a reaction to that, after having it many times with no issues. So if Kacey was taking it when the hives started, I would ask your doctor about stopping it to see if hives clear up faster. The danger with antibiotic reactions isn't the time you get the hives, but the next time you take it, when you risk anaphylactic shock. So if there is a chance it's from the penicillin you don't want Kacey to have that again.
Kacey was not given the Amoxicillan until Day 2 of the rash. So we know that is not what caused it.
Here is the run down of what happened:
Tues Jan 18th- left school with fever, stomach ache and high sugars- given Motrin
Wed Jan 19th- home from school with fever, sugars still up, stuffy/runny nose, headache- given Motrin and Triaminic
Thurs Jan 20th- home from school with sugars up, sinus crap but fever gone- given Motrin and Triminic
Fri Jan 21st- she went back to school feeling fine and then got sick at 2pm with another fever- given Motrin
Sat Jan 22nd- no fever and feeling fine
Sun Jan 23rd- broke out in rash- arms, back and tummy- given 1 Benedryl
Mon Jan 24th- took to Urgent Care- diagnosed with food allergy and hives- given Prednisone & 2 Benedryl every 4hrs.
Tues Jan 25th- back to Urgent Care- rash worse and itching intense- still looks like hives- rash moving down her legs- given Amoxicillan in case of strep and Hydroxyzine for itch. Endo took her off Prednisone
Wed Jan 26th- still itchy but not as bad- rash spread to entire leg feet and hands
So it wouldn't be the antibiotic that made her break out. She had been off all medications except her Novalog before she broke out.
The only place she doesn't have the rash is on her face. Ummm...to the poster that suggested scabies....no her rash doesn't look like that. Have you seen those pics? GROSS!
I'm gonna stick with the diagnosis of a virus :)
Thanks everyone!!
So glad that she's feeling better. I was diagnosed with Fifth's disease, and it looked and reacted just like that. It was confusing to the doctor because I had been sick the week before. Another doctor told me when you are diabetic you immune system doesn't fight off viruses well. When you get sick you get twice as sick, and that already low immune systems triggered the Fifths. It was crazy because he said that most people over the age of three don't get it..... (HUGS to YOU) Hope things are calming down...
Sounds like the rash Hannah gets before STREP, and her Strep rarely causes a sore throat. Just a "tickle" and hard to swallow. Not everyone follows the rules of the symptoms :( Hope you figure it out soon!
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