Ten years ago today, was a very scary and very happy moment in my life! I planned you, I wanted you and I couldn't wait to finally meet you! I'd been through a very rough pregnancy, complete with going into early labor at just 6 months pregnant. Dr. S was able to keep you inside and on March 8, 2000 at 10:59pm, you were born! You came into this world with a struggle. I patiently awaited your cry after you came out and I heard nothing. It was silent. I kept turning to Daddy and asking if you were ok and no one would answer me. Then...I heard it...a faint squeak. It wasn't a cry but I knew you were alive! I cried tears of joy as I heard another squeak. You were placed into your Daddy's arms first and then he handed you over to me. We only got to hold you for about 5-10min before you were rushed off to the nursery for observation. I couldn't understand what was going on because when Kayleigh was born they didn't do that. It wasn't until the nurse came back in with poloroid pictures of you that I understood. The nurse spoke softly and calmly to me and explained that they took those pictures of you because they were not sure if you'd make it through the night. I cried for hours and begged to go to the nursery to see you but they wouldn't let me get up. You see, I'd fought for my own life that night as well. So I was being watched closely too. Dr. S came back in to see me and he held a prayer circle before he left that night. He said a Higher Power was guiding his hand and he had to save me before he could save you and you were VERY lucky to be alive! The next morning, they brought you to me and you opened your eyes and looked at me like you'd known me forever. You weighed 7lbs. 13oz, 20.5in long and you had 10 fingers and 10 toes! You had the prettiest color :) Dr. O, your pediatrician, came in to talk to us and she explained that you were without oxygen for so long that they were not sure how much brain damage was done and they wouldn't know until you were 2. I knew in my heart you'd be perfect! By the time you were two, you were above level on developmental milestones, but you developed febrile seizures. It was another very scary time for us. They assured us it wasn't from your birth and they were fluke happenings. You only had 2 of them and by the time you were 4, you were so above level and already reading some words. By the time you got to 1st grade, you were reading on a 3rd-4th grade level and you continued to thrive and be a bright spot in my day. You have a silly sense of humor and you always turn a negative into a positive. That dreaded day came in 2nd grade, your diabetes diagnosis. I was thrown back 8 years to your birth. You fought so hard to live and you were fighting all over again! You took your diagnosis with such ease. I could not imagine being 8 years old and giving myself shots and pricking my finger. And now, here were are, 2 years later and you're finally in those double digits...10 years old! You've come a long way in 2 years! You continue to amaze me at how brave and at ease you are. You continue to educate those around you on a daily basis and I know you're going to do great things when you grow up. You're a fighter and you're my hero! You show those around you how to LIVE with diabetes and I know you have rough days, you're allowed to! God gave you to us for a reason and He has purpose for you. He had a chance to take you 3 times and He wasn't ready for you. You have not fulfilled the purpose He has for you yet. What that purpose is yet, we don't know...but we're very excited to watch you fulfill it! You've said you want to be a "Diabetes Nurse" (CDE) when you grow up and I know you have the heart and compassion to be a wonderful nurse.
My dear precious baby girl, my wish for you is that you never stop believing in yourself and may you complete everything you put your mind to!
Happy Birthday, Kacey!
What a beautiful post! Happy Birthday Kacey! =)
Happy Birthday Kacey!!!!
WOW...what an awesome post :) I loved the pictures and WHAT A STORY!!!!
How did I miss this post! I LOVED the pictures! What a cutie!
Sorry soooo late but Happy Birthday Kacey!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday :)
and I loved all the pics!!
I must have missed this post.. I've been having Internet problems! Loved this post and great pics...what a cutie!
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