Ever wonder what 9 months of test strips looks like? Well we have pictures!!

Kacey saves every single test strip (unless one disappears...we all know they grow legs!) She started saving them when she was diagnosed and she was making pictures with them all. She hasn't made pictures in a while but she was still saving.

For the last 9 months she's been putting them in a JDRF can and... her can was FULL!

We had to find something else for them to be dumped into so I found this metal pitcher that she could use.

She's planning on making more pictures soon. I was shocked at how much that little can held! We haven't counted them yet but I'm sure she'll sit and do that before she makes her pictures. As I looked at the strips, it made me really sad. Every single strip is a finger prick. I'm surprised her fingers don't hurt more than she says they do. I'll post test strip pics as soon as she does them!
She counted them and there were 2238 strips!! (And thats not counting the ones that grew legs)
That's a lot of test strips. It makes me wonder what mine would look like.... scary, isn't it?
Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.
OK...so she couldn't wait to count them....
2238 strips!!!!
Holy Owie Batman! Those picture are really telling of what our little ones go through. :(
Jill, I know you know this but Kacey is one amazing little girl. I cannot wait to meet her in person.
Tell her that I think she ROCKS!!
O wow that is a lot of strips, maybe you can make a collage out of it or something.lol
That's crazy. It's raining strips at your house!!!!!!!!!
2238 strips. 2238 numbers. 2238 pokes.
It's a hard reality to swallow.
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