The flu has officially hit the West house!
Kayleigh was home from school yesterday because she wasn't feeling well. Her asthma was acting up and she had another cough and stuffy nose. She was running a low grade fever so I gave her some Sudafed PE and she didn't move from the couch all day. She complained that her body ached and I had a feeling we were heading for the worst. Frankie was home from work with her. I worked yesterday and Kacey came to me at the end of school and said she wasn't feeling well. I took her right to the nurse and she had a 99.5 fever. By the time I got home, Kayleigh was running a 101 fever and both girls were complaining they ached all over. I made a run back to Walmart and got a new thermometer, more Sudafed PE (thought it was a cold), Motrin and water. Both girls went to sleep early but we were back up at 12:30am. Kayleigh was having trouble breathing because of her asthma and she was up to a 103 fever! I ran water in the bathtub and made her get in to try and get her fever down. Meanwhile, Kacey woke up and she was crying that her legs hurt and she was thirsty. I ran to get her a drink and made her test while I was gone. I figured she'd spiked up but when she told me it was 166, I nearly fell out! The whole time she's stayed in the 100's (not that I'm complaining) but usually when D-kids get sick, they spike but not her...she drops low! I checked her temp and she was only a 100.7 but she felt warmer. She downed two cups of Crystal Light before Kayleigh got out of the tub. Once she was out, she wanted to be on the couch where she was closer to me. I had Kacey in bed with me ...haha...we kicked Daddy out and made him go sleep in Kacey's bed! We finally got back to sleep around 4am. All they both did was cry...the aches were causing them joint pain and they couldn't rest. By 6:30am, we were all up again. Kacey was crying because she was so stiff she couldn't walk and her temp was up to a 101. Kayleigh's fever had finally come down to a 99.3 and she was resting good. I called the doc at 8am when they opened. I told the receptionist their symptoms and she put me on hold. She came back on the line and she said the doctor was calling in some antiviral meds for them and for me to not bring them out! She said it's definately the flu and they need to stay inside and away from other people :( Guess that means we'll be home most of the week. Let's just hope and pray the worst of this is over!
The anti viral meds really help. I hope everyone feels better VERY soon.
I'll be thinking of you all...please keep us updated on how they are doing.
Hope they're feeling better soon! I'm like Kacey, I drop when I'm sick too. Hang in there!
Oh man hope everyone is feeling a lot better very soon. I think the flue is hitting hard everywhere. Connor my 8 year old was just home from school with a fever of 102.8. Good luck and hope everyone gets some sleep and rest!!
Hope everybody starts to feel better soon, sounds like what I had in September. No fun, but it only lasted about three days (and I didn't even get any medication). Hopefully the meds will speed up the recovery.
Sorry to hear that... but at least its both at the same time.
Hope everyone feels better soon.
So sorry your sweet girls are sick!! That's no FUN!!!! Hope they are on the mend quick!!
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