We're having our first dilemma. When we did the "pretend" pump for 3 days, we just let the pump swim in the bed at night and Kacey ended up tangled in the tubing. Kacey just had her shower and she put her jammies on, which are nightgowns (she hates 2pc jammies). She has Herbie in her tigger pump pack and it's on her belt around her waist and now she's complaining that it feels funny. The reason it feels weird is because the belt is rubbing her belly. I tried putting the belt on the outside of her gown and we're running into the issue of bringing the tubing out of the bottom of her gown. Help! LOL...what do I do? How do you sleep with your pump? Should we just let it roam in the bed like we did and deal with the tangled tubing?
Any help would be great!
***update*** (20 minutes later)
I put my Super Mom cape on because I couldn't stand her whining any longer and this is what we ended up with.....
I'd still love suggestions of what we can do?
We ran into this issue with Sydney when she got her pump in October. I actually had my friend sew a pocket (measure first to make sure Herbie will fit in it) on the outside of her jammies. At the bottom of the pocket we snipped a little hole to run the tubing through. The top of the pocket had a button but we never use it. Anywayw this works great for us. We have also done this on one of her dresses. Syd loves wearing dresses but that can be an issue with tubing so we did a cute pocket thing as well. I think it's cute Kacey named her pump. Syd did too...Daisy. Anyway good luck with the Jammies thing. For us, the pocket was a brilliant, life-saver idea from my friend. Any more questions, just ask!!
I guess I should clarify the snip for the tubing isn't on the pocket itself but on the inside fabric...the part of the original jammies. The tubing runs along inside the jammies and through the hole. We stick Daisy-the-pump in the pocket and hook it up. Hope that makes sense.
Hi Jill,
I've enjoyed reading your blog and learning more about dealing with a little one with diabetes. I also wanted you to know that Cara has nominated your precious girl for a Stick Me Designs Diabetes Gear Giveaweay we're doing. Isn't she just the coolest?
You can check out our blog for details. http://stickmedesigns.com/style :)
Hey! I use the smallest plastic clip they sent w/ my pump and I clip them on my p.j. bottoms. But I also have a bunch of bottoms w/ pockets and have been known to safety pin it in the pocket.
I'd have button holes sewn into the nightgowns to thread tubing through, out to the pump pouch. I did this with my scrub tops, inside the pockets on the front to wear my pump discretely at work.
Addy doesn't seem to mind the pump pack at night...but sometimes I feel like I'm sorting through spaghetti trying to check her at night!
Good work, Mom! The big day is almost here :) :)
Nikki wears her on her underpants or if that bothers her she slides on a pair of lightweight cotton shorts and clips her pump to that. If Kacey isn't a tosser/turner I would let it float. But honestly hooking it to her underpants has always been her preferred way (when she's wearing a gown - she actually prefers 2 piece pj's now because she can clip the pump the waist band easier.
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